We couldn't be where we are without you.
We would truly appreciate it if you could share your experience.
Please select any of the platforms below to have your voice heard. It has been a pleasure to help you and your family with your dream home.
Gabe Wood
Mortgage Specialist
NMLS 1579, 1783912
3333G Wrightsville Ave, Ste 107
Wilmington, NC 28403
Equity Resources, Inc.
110 Third Street - Clarksville, VA 23927
Corporate NMLS 1579, Walter Gabriel Wood NMLS 1783912 NC L-134393-120, CT ML-BCH-2340595,
SC MLB-2340595 and VA MC-4491 DBA Equity Resources of Ohio Inc.
By refinancing an existing loan, total finance charges may be higher over the life of the loan.
Certain limitations apply, call for details. Corporate Office 25 S Park Place, Newark, OH 43055. Toll Free 1-800-270-7082
Equity Resources Website